Coach Selen Eken

Hello, I am Selen — your coach in Life and Business

My experience working across cultures allows me to understand people from all over the globe and be successful in finding just the right motivation for them.

Coach Selen Eken

Over the years of developing strategies for international corporations and delivering Human Resources management services I have acquired crucial skills in assisting individuals in achieving their business and personal goals.

Coaching is a fascinating tool. A coach works with you to clarify your objectives, identify barriers and challenges, develop strategies for overcoming them, and enhance your strengths.

I am also passionate about the stars, specializing Karmic Astrology and Natal Charts Interpreting. My practice is supported by the knowledge I obtained at a prestigious Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, connected with Exeter College at Oxford University.

It's an honor to be a part of both of these fields, bridging the gap between traditional knowledge and modern practices. I am a proud member of the following organizations:

  • Henley logo
  • ICF logo
  • Isar logo
  • Astrology UK logo
  • Troy Akademi logo

There is no teaching without learning. I have been dedicated to studying all of my life, continuously broadening my perspective of the world.

Starry sky

If you want to live a happy life,

tie it to a goal,

not to people